The Mighty Seed

Trees are incredible. And we are compared to a tree.

From Psalm 1 we see that people who do not listen to ungodly counsel and who love the Word of God (the law is the Torah and Jesus is the Torah and Jesus is the Word), meditating on it, will be like a well-watered tree.

"He will be like a tree planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers." (Psalm 1:3 NASB)

Jesus loves metaphors. The Bible is filled with them. And there are so many metaphors for Seeds, Fruit, Trees.

The Mighty Seed

You know the seed must DIE before it is effective. Before it can grow. Before it can mature. Before it can produce fruit. Before it can reproduce. It must be buried in the ground, dead. Rain and the warmth of the sun resurrects that seed. So, too, died with Jesus. We receive the Living Water and the Son of God, who is the Light of the World, and we grow and mature. Fruit is produced and we tell others about Jesus, thereby reproducing.

Another amazing thing about trees. Some trees, like the Olive Tree and Almond Tree, have a second bud waiting, in case the first is damaged. This struck me as absolutely amazing! If someone is growing and maturing and is traumatically frozen, you can be sure a second bud is waiting for the conditions to be right, so that second bud can grow and mature and produce fruit!

I'd like to point out that the seed, the tree, does nothing on its own to grow and produce fruit. Nothing at all! Trees are not active participants in their growth process. They just rest. We, too, can simply REST in Jesus and His complete work.

We already died with Christ. We are a new creation. We receive His Living Water. We meditate on Him (His written Word and by communing with Jesus in loving relationship.) Jesus lives in us and through us. We receive Him.

What imagery and metaphors do you see in regard to seeds/trees/fruit? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Comment below.


Preface: My Story


The Spiritual Beach