2-in-1 Bible Study + Workbook

“I want to grow in my walk with Jesus.” ~ “I yearn to go deeper in my understanding of Scriptures.” ~ “I’m tired of trying so hard to do all the right things and still not feeling like God is happy with me.” ~ “I don’t really know what it means to ‘walk in the Spirit’.” ~ “I’ve been out of church for awhile now. I’ve been deconstructing my faith. I still believe in Jesus, I’m just not sure what I believe beyond that.” ~ “I never seem to find victory or joy in my Christian walk.” ~ “I hear people talking about freedom in Christ, but I don’t feel free.” ~ “I think I’ve lost my faith.”

Need more room to write? Or perhaps you’re are reading the book for the second time! This Journal Companion is for you!

Experience Spiritual Freedom & Increased Faith

Hands holding fence - deconstructing christianity

Jesus came to proclaim release to captives and set free the oppressed. It was for freedom that Christ set us free so keep standing firm and don’t go back to slavery. Jesus said, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest.” Let’s make every effort to enter that rest.

The very Creator of the universe lives inside us! His almighty power and unfailing love walk into every room when we arrive! We will not let the chains of perceived religious duty, condemnation, guilt, shame, and striving hold us back from keeping our focus on Christ in us, the force of love, able to transform everyone with whom we encounter.

deconstruction need freedom
spiritually drowning need freedom

I spent years stooped under the heavy burden of religious expectations. But Jesus didn't leave me there. He brought freedom to my life. Join me on the journey! We will confront and uproot misunderstandings by digging into the treasure of the Scriptures, comparing our English with the original Greek and Hebrew.

Study words in the original Greek. Read powerful personal testimony. Learn how to walk in the Spirit, resulting in freedom, rest, and victory. Don’t let the chains of perceived religious duty, condemnation, shame, and striving hold you back from keeping your focus on Christ in you, the force of love, able to transform everyone with whom you encounter.

Invite the Lord to transplant your heart and mind, revealing truth to you from Scripture. Both Psalm 1 and Jeremiah 8 speak of being transplanted. (In English, you might see, ‘firmly planted’. In Hebrew, that word means ‘transplanted’.)
Have you ever transplanted a tree or a houseplant? We must be careful. Tender. Kind to the roots as we move the plant from one place to another. Newly transplanted trees/plants require a lot of water immediately, in order to ensure the success of their survival.

God is tender with us. When He moves us from a place of misunderstanding to understanding, He is kind to treat our hearts gently. He is the river of life. He, Himself, is the water we so desperately need as our roots are settling in to the new, fertilized soil. As we trust Him, we are like a tree, transplanted by rivers of water. And we will prosper. Our leaves will not wither. We will produce fruit.

Will you join me on the journey?


“In Transplanted, Amy Bechtel Kimball invites readers on a compelling journey to discover the depths of a life entirely dependent on Jesus. This book is a treasure trove of wisdom, offering insights into how Christ leads us to an understanding where we embrace the flourishing that He desires for us. Amy's heartfelt storytelling and biblical exploration make this a must-read for anyone seeking to live a life rooted in truth and overflowing with purpose. And, it would make an excellent group study enabling the communal flourishing that Jesus desires for His Church.”

Bruce Pagano II, LCPC
author of Three Commands and Certainty Kills

“If you care deeply about your relationship with the Lord and want to get past wrong beliefs that keep you from the joy and intimate relationship with Him that He has promised, then put this book on your required reading list. As a fellow believer in our genuine new life in Jesus Christ, Amy Bechtel Kimball is doing in one fell swoop with Transplanted what I've been doing bit by bit in the Untwisting Scriptures series. In seeing Amy lay out the real meaning of Biblical terms and how they fit together in context, you'll better understand how to receive the power of the Holy Spirit and live in the John 15 abundant life Jesus offers to you.  Amy gives the straightforward explanation you need to see our Romans 8 command to "keep in step with the Spirit" as not a burden, but a delight, and as natural as breathing in the new life Jesus gives.

Rebecca Davis
author of the Untwisting Scriptures series

“This book beautifully articulates the complete work of Christ and how resting in His redemption allows the individual to experience true freedom and victory. Take time to learn from its pages how embracing grace and the full love of the Father leads to the healing rest we all long for in this striving and busy world.”

Dr. Thomas Hogan
Missional Scholar & Community Chaplain, Philippines

“As each Christian develops, there is a tendency to mistake what someone tells him or her Scripture says with what Scripture actually says. Amy Kimball's book encourages each reader to enter a dialogue with their assumptions and to then challenge misunderstandings in a way that frees him or her from bondage to legalism and guides them into the essential freedom in which grace calls us to live.  The liberation from the burdens of trying to earn grace is a breath of fresh air.”

Rev. Dr. Richard Paul Minnich
author of Leadership from the Inside Out