A Fresh Start

A Fresh Start in Costa Rica by Amy Bechtel Kimball

“We could move to Costa Rica someday,” we said while vacationing in a remote village, Oct 2019. We figured it would take about ten years to be financially able. The following August we accidentally set it in motion when we told friends what we wanted to do ’someday’. By spring 2021, the housing market jump changed our options. We sold our house and nearly all of our belongings in May and took another trip to CR, this time taking our 11 year old daughter with us. While visiting, we made a friend in a small mountain town where we decided to begin our adventure by renting a house. After returning to the US, we moved into a motorhome and parked it in a friend’s backyard. I began the six month process of training my two new business partners to take over the day to day operations.

There is a LOT to do to move to another country, especially when applying for residency. We are on the homestretch of preparations now. Two months to finish the mound of ‘paperwork’, visit my sister and dad one more time, and to say goodbyes to numerous friends who are as close to us as blood family. I have felt a mix of emotions for this Amazing Adventure: terrified, ecstatic and grief.

Why this big move? For me, it’s an intense desire for Simplicity, to live life Concentrated. The opportunity to travel and explore the world. The freedom to join missions groups or start something new- as we are lead.

I’ve been called into a Sabbatical Year when we arrive at our new home. Renewal. Refreshment. Re-start. Rest. I am ‘pressing in’ to intimacy with Jesus. I’m going back to The Garden with Elohim. Life in the Garden.

Have you made any life changes, giving you an opportunity for more simplicity? I’d love to hear all about it! Comment below.


What IS Life in the Garden?